Sunday, August 19, 2007

Movieclip Proporties

Movie clip proporties no longer include a _ anymore. Before when it would be box_mc._x it is now box_mc.x. Also, the scale proporty has changed all together. One more thing, for anything that has a percentage (like alpha or scale) you need to put it in a decimal point. alpha = 50 is now alpha =.5 and so forth. Here is a list of some common proporties:

movieclip_mc.alpha = .5;
movieclip_mc.rotation = 0;
movieclip_mc.x = 100;
movieclip_mc.y = 100;
movieclip_mc.scaleY = 1.5;
movieclip_mc.scaleX = 1.5;
movieclip_mc.width = 280;
movieclip_mc.height = 10;

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